
Error Handle

[Error Message]
File has invalid value ">>>>>>> .mine". Illegal characters in path [project name].

This error is caused by the Subversion "Resolved..." function.

[solution] Delete the /obj folder in project that is complaining and re-compile.



Visual Studio 2008 단축키

Visual Studio 2008 에서 자주 쓰이는 단축키 모음
Visual Studio 단축키, VS 단축키, VS 2008 단축키


* Go to declaration... F12
* Debug: step over... F10
* Debug: run to cursor... ctrl + F10
* Debug: step into... F11
* Debug: step out... shift + F11
* Toggle a breakpoint... F9
* Go to next item in task list or search results... F8 (error 났을 때 다음거 보기)
* Go to previous item in task list or search results... shift + F8
* Switch to code view... F7 (form design mode -> form code view)
* Switch to designer view... shift + F7 (form code view -> form design mode)
* Run with debugging... F5
* Stop debugging... shift + F5
* Run without debugging... ctrl + F5
* Move to previous edit point (back)... ctrl + -
* Switch to the Task List... ctrl + alt K
* Switch to the Immediate window... ctrl + alt + I
* Switch to the Output window... ctrl + alt + O
* Find... ctrl + F
* Find in all files... ctrl + shift + F
* Replace... ctrl + H
* Incremental find (it's pure sex!)... ctrl + I
* Insert Book Mark... ctrl + K + K or ctrl + B + T
* find next book mark... ctrl + K + N or ctrl + B + N
* find previous book mark... ctrl + B + P
* add new item in present project... ctrl + shift + A


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